Friday, March 14, 2014

Week 9 - Lab 8

This week is kind of busy for me…. T^T Yet, I have been quite enjoy to be busy. :D As long As there is no tests or exams. :D

Anyway, this week, nothing every important or special happened; yet, this week’s lab is kind of interesting. The handout asked us to write the function/method count_less(self, item) for three times. This function /method needs to return the number of nodes in this BST with items that are less than given item.
The first time, we need to write it as a recursive method in the file BST within the classBST(object), and we need write a nested helper function within count_less(self, item) without changing or adding anything to the class _BSTNode.
The second time, we still need to write it as a method in the file BST within the classBST(object), but we need to write the helper method in class _BSTNode and calling the helper within count_less(self, item) and without changing or adding anything to the class BST.
Finally, the last time, we will implement method count_less(self, item) in class BST, yet we also need to write a helper method in both class _BSTNode and _BSTNone and calling the helper within count_less(self, item) without changing or adding anything to the class BST.
My partner and I were confused at first, wondering why we need to do the same thing again and again in three difference ways. Things turned out to be really interesting: the first time is just a bit challenging for us to come up with the solution, the second way is just want us to learn the way to import a helper method within another class. And the last method is trying to help us develop another way of thinking, divide the method into two situation: node is None or node is actually another parent or a leaf, and call the different helper methods depend of the node.
By the end, I felt pretty beneficial from this lab, if I were not had this lab, I would just put everything in one class, yet I now kind of really understand why we put different things in different classes and inherit from each other. :D

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