This is the short period of time that I can relax,
because finals are coming really soon.
For this entry of SLOG, I will not talk about course
materials, I want to write more about how this is course experience for me.
In this course, I have learnt a lot. After CSC108, I have
always wondered about CSC148. For me, back then, CSC108 is already very
advanced for myself. Obviously, I did not know much, yet it kind of gave me
more curiosity of CSC148.
I would say, I was and am not disappointed.
I went to a lot of my classmates’ blogs before I am writing
this entry. There are still a lot of excellent entries, with photos, links,
videos, quotes, yet there are still some blank entries. It has been a pleasure
to have my classmates in this course, to enjoy their posts for their SLOGs, and
to seek and get help on Piazza.
Also, the prof and TA’s, are AMAZING!!!!! I like the
lectures and the style from the prof, and the labs from my TA.
To conclude, I have been enjoying this course very much.
I will definitely suggesting this course to my other friends who are interesting
in CompSci. It has been a great time, and an awesome start for my university
and my CompSci life. :D
At the end, I sincerely hope everyone would ace their exams!!!